Aaron has been doing well, and growing quickly. It's hard to believe he's 5 weeks already tomorrow - time flies so fast. We got our first real smiles from him yesterday, what a treat! The last week or two however he's become quite a bit fussier, which is the same thing Peter did when he was a baby. This makes it a bit harder to get things done, especially since the fussiness starts in the late afternoon when Peter is often somewhat cranky as well and when I need to start thinking about supper. On those days, it's especially nice to see Mike walk in the door!
We've been working on our garden slowly over the last few weeks and are putting in some annuals and vegetable plants today. Well, I say "we" but obviously I am inside writing a blog post so I'm not out there planting... I got some of the vegetables in but the kids wouldn't have any more of that so I'm inside with them until they fall asleep (here's to hoping anyways).
We bought a new computer on Saturday, and it is so nice to have an internet connection that doesn't disconnect every 10 seconds! Although this particular computer will have to be returned as it seems to have a few bugs, we are enjoying some new technology and I look forward to being able to do a bit more with pictures during the day without needing to have Mike's laptop. Speaking of pictures, I have a few to share so here we go:
Here is Aaron being weighed, I believe when he was 1 week old. He
was back up to 9lbs 11 oz, gaining 4 oz over 3 days. He's so much
stronger than Peter was as a newborn, and we are amazed at how
strong his neck has been right from the beginning. Those
extra pounds certainly make a difference!
Peter is trying to be very sneaky...
He loves looking at his little brother!
He LOVES being outside!
Playing in the garden dirt
Mom, Danielle and Lauren came over last week with a borrowed
rototiller to help me get the vegetable garden turned over.
They did a wonderful job! We look forward to eating our own
veggies again this summer!
Our yard has changed quite a bit since we first moved in.
The grass is lush, the gardens are maintained... and
the shed may or may not be on more of an angle now.
Aaron checking things out
I love these little hands!
was back up to 9lbs 11 oz, gaining 4 oz over 3 days. He's so much
stronger than Peter was as a newborn, and we are amazed at how
strong his neck has been right from the beginning. Those
extra pounds certainly make a difference!
rototiller to help me get the vegetable garden turned over.
They did a wonderful job! We look forward to eating our own
veggies again this summer!
The grass is lush, the gardens are maintained... and
the shed may or may not be on more of an angle now.