Friday, September 15, 2006

Red or White?

Since it is always best to be prepared, the other day Mike and I headed out to Canadian Tire to purchase a household fire extinguisher for the kitchen. Of course, this has no meaning or implication as to my skills as a cook; you just never know when something in the kitchen or in the house is going to spontaneously combust.
However, when we arrived in the fire extinguisher aisle, we were faced with a choice - red or white. For me, the choice was obvious. For Mike, the choice was obvious as well. However, when we reached the cashier, we had to make a decision, and one of us had to return our fire extinguisher of choice back to the shelf. Actually, we didn't really make a decision - my fire extinguisher was taken from me forcibly, and now we have purchased a fire extinguisher which is the wrong color.
I will learn to love this new little appliance, but I will always wonder if I was right in my color preference or if I was just out to lunch. If you could take the time to do my little poll along the right side of this page (it's near the bottom), I would certainly appreciate knowing your opinion!


Anonymous said...

Clearly, while the redness is important, the type of extinguisher is more important. Really. I got to watch a movie all about it! It was so exciting I almost died.

Unknown said...

Sounds like quite the movie - was that for a CH safety course? This fire extinguisher is a "general purpose" one containing a dry chemical to coat the fire and starve it out. If I ever have to use it, it will make a terrible mess of my house, but that is preferable to my house being a pile of ashes. I just need to retrain my brain to look for "white" in an emergency instead of "red"...

Anonymous said...

hmmm, I would of gone for the white one too. Main reason being most of my kitchen appliance are white.
Good thing you posted this becaue it helped remind me that we should get a fire extinguisher for our house.
How's the deck coming?

~ Kirsten

The Hammer said...

In my mind (and experience), fire extinguishers have always been red. Any other would just be odd!! Red is a colour that screams "emergency" or "grab me to fix an emergency." But I imagine white coordinates better with appliances and the decor...? It'd be a tough choice.

Unknown said...

According to the polls so far, it seems that the majority of people agree with me that red is the proper color. Sorry, all those who side with white; I know it's a decent argument that white will match with the kitchen appliances, but in an emergency, I don't want my fire extinguisher to blend in!! Besides, it sits under the sink anyways...

Unknown said...

Kirsten - the deck is coming along quite well... who did you hear about it from? My parents and my Grandma came up on Saturday and we got a good start on it, digging the holes for the posts and building the skeleton. Mike is, as I write, filling the holes with cement and we plan on having a deck-building party / painting party this coming Saturday. Should be fun! We'll have to have you guys down for coffee on our new deck when it's done!!

Anonymous said...

We were at Rehoboth on Sunday and taled to your parents and Danielle.
~ Kirsten

Anonymous said...

It should 'talked'. Typing becomes rather difficult when you have a 1 year old wanting to help you.
~ Kirsten

ADasa said...

I say 'white'. Guess I'm in the minority?? Red ones are for institutional places... but what do I know?? :)

Anonymous said...

Dawn, please make sure that you vote in the poll that Rachel has set up on the right hand side of the page under the links, archives, etc. I've been constantly heckled for several days because white has been losing in the polls!

Unknown said...

"constantly heckled"
Whatever, Mike. Sounds like you have a pretty rough life!! Sounds also like you've been visiting that poll a little more often than perhaps you should be...

Karen said...

haha! excellent idea on the poll Rach, it's good for Mike to not always be right (or in the majority)... ;)

I'm excited for the deck-building, painting party on Saturday! are we still celebrating your bday that night Rach?

I can't wait to see you guys!