Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Especially for Danielle

So, I just wrote out TWO blog entries.
And both of them were DELETED before I could post them. I am just somewhat ANNOYED at the situation.
Apparently, according to Danielle, since I am home now I must have lots of time to blog and blog and blog, and since I have not blogged for several weeks, I am neglecting my duties as a stay-at-home pre-mom. I apologize for my lack of posting, Danielle, but I will need an extra large dosage of patience if my blogs keep on getting deleted like this!
So yes, I am now a stay-at-home pre-Mom -- my birthday present to myself was my last day of work. The days were getting longer and longer, and my feet were pretty much destroyed by the time I got home. It's been nice to be somewhat alive at 5 o'clock and motivated to cook dinner!

AHA I just outwitted the computer - it tried to delete my post again but I FOILED it by copying and pasting what I had written so far. Take that, computer!! This old laptop is a little grumpy because I resurrected it out of the closet and have forced it to be my Internet connection at home! :)
I've been keeping myself quite busy despite being done work - visiting, volunteering, Bible study, reading, painting, cooking, cleaning, and all the random things that sit on the back-burner until a time when motivation, time, and energy collide into action. It has been such a blessing to be at home! I have enjoyed it immensely.
Baby seems to be doing quite well. Another 6 or 7 or 8 weeks until we get to meet our little bundle of joy. Despite his or her best attempts at trying to escape mommy's tummy by karate-kicking a way out, Baby is still quite firmly tucked in there, and losing space day by day. Somedays it seems like Baby doesn't sleep at all, but thankfully he or she has been quite considerate to never wake up mommy while she's sleeping. Perhaps Baby will be born knowing that bedtime is between 10 pm and 6 am. Perhaps. There's always a small chance right?
I would be motivated to keep writing, but fear of losing what I have written so far is leading me to desire leaving the computer alone for a little while instead of continuing to write my blog-novel. No pictures today folks, as this computer is already grumpy enough without me trying to load pictures up on it as well!


Danielle said...

Yay!!!! I love you lots, my sister... how bout i come and visit someday? I'm sorry you had lots of frustrations with your posting but i am happy to once again read your creative thoughts.

Rachel said...

I'm happy to see you blogging as well!! I was waiting for a Rachel update! So glad to hear that baby is doing well... any suspicions as to the gender of the little one? =) Looking forward to seeing you next week!!! Thanks for working so hard to find a date that worked for us all!

Unknown said...

No ideas on gender yet, Rach - but sometimes I REALLY want to know already!! I went shopping with Elaine this week and it makes it hard to know what to get... Lots of green and yellow...
Looking forward to seeing you as well - and perhaps seeing a blog update from you too? :)