Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Little Known Facts About the Recent Election

Unbeknownst to most Canadians, even among those deeply entrenched in political discussions and who kept on top of every breaking news story in the weeks and days surrounding Canada's recent federal election, there was an underground force responsible for ensuring that Stephen Harper, representing the Conservative party, became Canada's new Prime Minister. Realizing it would be a difficult struggle to obtain enough seats in the House to ensure the first Conservative government since 1993, Harper's strategical team came up with a top-secret list of names of experts who would be able to bring a Conservative landslide to fruition. While the major newspapers of the country did their best to dig out any kind of important or enlightening information about the prime ministerial candidates and the potential MPs in their respective parties, they did not manage to uncover the Conservative's best-kept secret: Arlene Mussche. Great lengths were taken to conceal the support of this powerhouse political activist, and it seems the Conservatives remained successful until the publication of this very blog. Here below is what seems to be the only existing picture of Mussche and Harper, proving a connection between the two political geniuses.

Here in an exclusive photograph, Mussche and Harper discuss last-minute political strategies mere days before the federal election. Mussche is thought to be the main reason for the recent Conservative win in Parliament


Anonymous said...

first commmmmmment

Anonymous said...

Mom, that was a pathetic comment...you can do better than that, even i am typing more than you and i have a budgie happily perched on my finger making typing a little difficult and slow. Anyways Rach, i was very glad to learn the secret to conservative success and that you finally leaked it to the world. maybe that wasnt such a GREAT IDEA SINCE now she cant be the secret weapon behind the recreation of canada as we insiders knew she would be!

Anonymous said...

Arlene, a comment such as that, must be the reason the major media outlets in this country were unable to expose you as the weapon you truly are. The Conservatives wisely kept you away from the need to be interviewed knowing that your skills lie elsewhere. On behalf of the Canadian people, we are forever indebted to your great public service.
Sincerely, Richard V.

Anonymous said...



That commment wasn't actually from Mom, citizens. I'm her not-so-secret "Voice On The Web". That was me, yes, all me. All that time and effort put into that comment came from yours truly.

Imagine if Mom actually DID post a comment like that, though. What would the world be coming to?

Unknown said...

Oh boy. It's a good thing she didn't do her secretive political activities through you on the Web, because if she did, I don't know how far Harper would have gotten. While computers have taken control over a major part of our lives, it is good to see that important things can still take place away from the influence of a computer and the need for a "Voice on the Web"