So, my handsome husband is having his first official job interview tonight, at the Emmanuel Canadian Reformed Highschool in Fergus! He is both excited and serious about this interview and the prospects it offers, and although he may not admit it readily, I think he's also a wee little bit anxious - he doesn't even want to have any coffee! I'm sure he'll do just magnificently, though, as he is both confident and sincere.
And yet there is still smiles in this calm before the storm (well I don't know about it being a storm, but I wanted to use the metaphor) . . . does a whoopee cushion have any place in a job interview? Mike also just asked me if I would please dye his hair on the way to Fergus tonight. Well, perhaps not. I think he looks just great right now:
What a teacherly guy! Wouldn't you hire him in a flash?
how'd it go?? :)
I guess we'll find out at the end of February... Till then, I'll brush up on my Canadian Reformed theology and their specifics on common grace and antithesis.
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