Thursday, June 12, 2008

Again, I say, Leave!!

To the Resident Groundhogs,
A quick lesson in etymology:
Pest [origin: 1545-1555, L pestis plague]
1. An annoying person or thing; a nuisance.
2. An injurious plant or animal, especially one harmful to humans.
3. A deadly epidemic disease; a pestilence.
4. The groundhogs living in my garage

Synonyms 1. annoyance. 2. pandemic, scourge, epidemic. 3. groundhog

I am running out of patience with you! I am not sure what is worse now - you and your growing family, or the disgusting carpenter bees. You all seem to think that my garage is a great place to live, but it is NOT, for a number of reasons. We'll start off with the damages you are inflicting on my garden. If you keep chewing the tops off my cannis, how is it supposed to grow? Thankfully this year you left my tulips alone, but you decided to attack something new - my parsley. NO!! I want to be the one enjoying my botanical endeavours, not you! And leave my lettuce alone!! And if you even THINK of eating any of my other vegetables, oh boy. You'll wish you never found my property! Another problem I have with you is the holes you keep digging under the garage walls. Can't you see it's already suffering more than enough structural impairment? I hope you have a good insurance policy, because if YOU make it collapse, I'm coming after you with the biggest lawsuit you can imagine!


Unknown said...

p.s. I saw what you did to my broccoli yesterday. I am looking for good Groundhog Burger recipes.

Danielle said...

Time to get a humane trap from the SPCA and say goodbye to your little furry friends..