Monday, September 15, 2008


For some reason, Peter loves drinking water from the spray bottle...weirdSpiked hair
I find this picture a little creepy .

I apologize for the technical difficulties... for some reason blogger is acting
silly and making everything underlined and double spaced...


L.V. said...

Ah the spray bottle, hours (ok, maybe minutes) of entertainment for the kids! Our kids all went thru the spray bottle faze too - in fact, Anna is still in it!
LOVE the last picture...what a cutie pie!
Laura :)

Anonymous said...

spray bottles seemed to have a strange fascination with his parents, I recall.
I love you... spray. spray!

amymom24 said...

Wow, lots of great pics to catch up on! Your sunset pics from camping are GOR.GEOUS!!!!!!! You should enter them into a contest or something.

To answer your question left at my blog: yep, Danielle is very fast with her trench crawl. But she has big siblings to keep up with! Lol about Peter only being fast when going for the phone cords:) I know what that's all about!

Danielle said...

Cute pics Rach... his eyes are super blue! And he looks like an impish little fellow!

Unknown said...

He looks like such a trouble maker in that picture! Like he can't wait to get into trouble... look out, Mom, here I come!