Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Streetview Has Arrived in St Kitts!!

Finally the day has arrived!  I've been waiting for quite some time to hear the announcement that Google Streetview has expanded its coverage in Canada since they had their first release at the end of last year, since I hadn't been able to find any release information online.  Ever since we saw the Google vehicle with its eye-catching camera contraptions mounted up top while out on the road last August, I've been eager to find our van online and also to see our home on Streetview.  I am thankful to report that they did NOT catch any of us in the driveway, staring perplexedly at the camera like my poor mother was.  Unfortunately, however, they did decide to do their picture-taking while our driveway was full of bathroom renovation debris.  At least the van was parked in the driveway so it wasn't quite so obvious.   
We are waiting in our blue van in the left-turn lane

A Streetview of our home - note the unfortunate garbage
My poor mother, looking a little perplexed


Anonymous said...

Haha! Love it!


Check out this youtube video about Streetview. It made me chuckle.

ADasa said...

Hey Rachel, how do you save those pics from the Google maps thingy? I tried right click...

Unknown said...

I press the "print screen" button, open "Paint" and press "paste". It will paste the whole screen, but you can move the image up into the left top corner and cut off the rest of the page. Let me know if this helps or if you need more help with the Paint part. I use Paint alllll the time for fiddling around with pictures(even though we have Photoshop as well for the trickier things)