Monday, May 03, 2010

A Year of Growing

I try to be consistent with taking photos of the boys as they are growing, and at various stages in their lives.  It can be too easy to put the camera on a shelf and forget to capture certain moments during a busy day, but once these moments are gone, you can't get them back.  I'm sure the number of photos will decrease as the number of kids increases, but I will try my best to keep up with the picture-taking as life gets busier.  I have been working on an on-going project since Peter was born, and since I've just completed Year One for both kids, I thought I'd post my comparisons up now... kind of as a public incentive  to tie me to my responsibility to continue this project for the rest of our kids in the years to come!
0 Months!  Just Born
5 Days
6 Weeks
2 Months
3 Months
4 Months
5 Months
6 Months
7 Months
7.5 Months
8 Months
9 Months
10 Months
11 Months
11.5 Months
 12 Months!  Happy Birthday Boys!


Mike said...

I like these Rachel... but do you think we will ever be able to catch another moment like Peter's at ten months? ha ha

Anonymous said...

I love these :) Beautiful!
I love the 7 months pictures.
Peter looks hilarious in the 8 months one.
It's also really funny how at 5 months the clothes are SO much tighter on Aaron than on Pete!


Aunt Lauren

(ps: the Word Verification on this post says "hagis". I love when they turn out to be funny words!)