Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Bathroom Renovation

When we moved into our new house, there were a number of things that we had to update, and a much longer list of things we would like to update.  The bathroom was on the "would like to update" list - aesthetically it was far from pleasing, but functionally it seemed to be just fine.  We replaced the sink faucet and the cabinet hardware, and painted the walls and ceiling, and decided to leave the rest for some future date.  As the months went on, however, we came to realize that the bathroom, specifically the bathtub, must have been used on a much, much less frequent basis than it was now experiencing, and the extra water usage was doing some damage.  The tiles were leaking, and whenever someone had a shower, I'd have water not quite pouring, but not just dripping either, onto my washing machine in the basement below.  Knowing that this damage could get pretty bad pretty fast, we decided to renovate the bathroom over the Christmas holidays in and around all the family get-togethers.  It took a lot of hard work, done by my handy husband along with help from Dad M and Dad and Mom VD.  There are a few finishing touches left to do, but the end result looks absolutely fantastic!  
A before shot of the bathroom, with a rusty faucet, nasty 
toilet seat cover, yellow wall tiles and peeling linoleum.  
Lovely blue shower curtain, pukey green tub, and a 
handy handle for getting in and out of the bath
Another shot of the lovely old bathtub
Demolition in progress!  All the tiles ripped off the wall, the water-
damaged drywall off from behind the tub, and the new tub
installed.  Much deeper tub too, for luxurious baths! 
(and maybe some higher water bills?)   
The vanity temporarily transformed into a tool box catch-all
Mike and Dad VD installing the new tile.  Well, Mike's installing,
and looks like Dad's being the inspector/foreman, haha
Looking good!  The tiles are up and need to be grouted
The (almost) finished product. 

Doesn't it look just splendid?  I feel so spoiled!


L.V. said...

Wow!! I love the tile!! Great work Mike!

Danielle said...

I know..he can come and do my bathroom sometime...