Saturday, June 25, 2011

Elephant bladder

First thing this morning, getting the kids out of bed.
Mike:  "Peter, you need to go pee, please"
Peter:  "But I already went pee!!"
Mike:  "When did you go pee?"
Peter: "Before I went to bed!"
Seriously, this child must have the bladder of an elephant.


Danielle said...

Unlike his Aunt Dell, who got up at least 3 times last night...ridiculous!

Leigh said...

this makes me laugh! Jacob is like that, but I think Gid must have a bladder the size of a mouse's. He can't seem to stay dry for more than 2 minutes sometimes! =)

Unknown said...

Too bad they can't all have the elephant bladders eh? By the way, Leigh, will you be sending Gideon to Pre-K this year? Will potty-training hold him back?