Friday, February 17, 2012


At very long last, I have finished formatting and editing the 2010-2011 version of the blog book.  Whew!  It was a lot of work - I'm looking forward to spending all those spare minutes doing other things while I wait for it to arrive load back up, so I can order it.  I was amused by the spell-checker that comes with the program, as it picked up a lot of words that are probably quite specific to my style of writing and what I tend to write about.  There were the standard problems that a spell-checker might have, with names of people or places.  There were other words it didn't like, such as:  ahhhh, aggggh, awwww, arg, ewww, verrrryy, hmmmm, hahahaha, looooong, and shhhh (all with varying quantities of letters of course, depending on the severity of the situation).  These came up a fair number of times.  Other words it didn't want to accept included:  disgustingness and the related "gusting" (Aaron), poopy, smushing, turd, bonked, napper, boogery, nerdy, dork, clomping, pukey, and pestiness, among others.  It seems that my blog must be full of quite scatalogical language!  Truth be told though, my days do involve a lot of that, plus I have three boys who think it's all quite hilarious.  They run into the bathroom so that they can say things like "poop" and "p*nis", because they have been told they may only say "poop" in the bathroom.  They also think it's hilarious to say "poop in the bathroom" when they are not in the bathroom, because I did in fact tell them they may only say "poop" in the bathroom.  The logic around here is a little bit skewed but we do have a lot of laughs even though as parents we end up having to hide it from them quite often.  There were two suggestions that it gave for words that I found a bit puzzling and awkward.  It wanted to change "personal bests" to "personal *reasts" (I bleeped out that letter to avoid nasty google searchers).  It also wanted to change "paddleboating" (as in, Mom and I went paddleboating at the cottage) to "adulterat*ng".  How are those in any way similar??
Anyways.  The book is finished, and I am quite relieved!  Now I guess I can start working on income taxes.  Fun fun!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

That's quite the list of incorrect words you've got there! My Shutterfly book keeps telling me I've got typos but it doesn't seem to underline them, so I have no idea where they're supposed to be!