Saturday, April 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Aaron!

Dear Aaron,
You're finally three!  The last year has been a year of growth by leaps and bounds - physically, mentally, verbally, all over.  You've gained 5 lbs and 4.5" in the past year, compared to 6 lbs and 3.5" the previous year.  You're catching up to your older brother - only an inch and half or two to go!  You're a spunky, sweet boy with a great sense of humour, and you keep us laughing all the time.  You are finished with diapers, done with your soothie, you love to help out with work at home and you can't wait to go to school.  You've been trying to convince us that you were going to turn four on your birthday so you could go to school just like your big brother!  You won't be going to school quite yet, but you get to start attending Story Hour every week during Bible study season, and you've enjoyed your sneak peek into that for the last two weeks.  We love your wild, curly red hair and your bright blue eyes, and we are often impressed by your reasoning and knowledge - not much gets past you!  You are a very sweet boy with a tender and compassionate side.  You love animals, especially "Charlie", the fish you got for your birthday.  You talk often about being gentle with animals, and keeping them "comfany".  It makes you very sad if you think that someone/thing is lonely, and you become quite concerned that you need to be their friend!  If you have done something wrong, you are quick to apologize and promise that you won't do it again... and you are also the most likely of my kids to say "thank-you" for something.  I often hear comments from you about God, how He lives in your heart, how He has created everything around us, and how much you love Him because of what He has done for you through His son Jesus.  It is such a blessing to hear this from you, even at such a young age!  Another thing I must mention is that you've developed an impressive knack for pouting, with that lower lip sticking way out and a quick escalation to tears and, quite often, a claim of "but I don't have anything to [eat/play with/cuddle/draw with/etc]".  You can get pretty sad pretty quick!  We hope as you get older and mature a bit that these fits of emotional upheaval will calm down a bit, but in the meantime we do often get a bit of a chuckle (when you're not looking) over that lower lip of yours.  You love hugs and kisses, you love to sing with us and listen to music, and you can't get enough of reading books on our laps.  We look forward to another year of growth and blessing with you, Aaron!

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