Oh no. I'm hearing "check one two, check one two" from the backyard, and I know that means trouble. I came home from work today at the usual time, and plopped in front of the computer to check email and catch up on some blogs. The daycare below us is closed at 5, so usually things are just wrapping up when I get home at about 4:30, and you can hardly tell we live on top of a childcare center except for the playground equipment outside our windows. I noticed at about 5:15 that not only were the kids not yet gone, they were much louder than usual, and there seemed to be an inordinate amount of noise and activity going on. I figured out that there must be a daycare BBQ today, which made sense when I looked at the parking lot and noticed it was stuffed with parental cars. Ok, I thought, a BBQ is fine, I can deal with a little noise. As long as Chester the Clown doesn't show up like he did last summer, I'll be fine. Last year, Chester came in his full glory, dressed up in costume, telling (apparently) hilarious jokes, and pumping out the Barney music. By the time he left, my brain had turned into a watery mush and I was curled up in a ball on the kitchen floor, holding my ears closed. Another look outside confirms it: Chester is here, and Chester is here with a vengeance, although this time not as a clown but as a sequin-y magical man and his name is Marvin. Help!Marvin and Emma With A Magic Handkerchief
lol... oh poor Rachel. :P Was Marvin a little more tolerable than Chester last year? it looks like you couldn't have been soo annoyed as you actually got up from your curled-up-ball-position in the kitchen and took a picture ;) hehe
just think, in less than a month, you'll be done with Redeemer childcare forever! :)
Oh, I watched him do some magic tricks, and I found it quite amusing that he could literally make the kids laugh on demand.
"Now kids, I need to hear you laugh"
(kids laugh)
"I could hardly hear that! I need you to laugh louder!"
(kids laugh louder)
I don't think I could laugh like that on demand.
Silly kids.
It's more than a month, Karen - a month from today is July 17, and that's still two weeks away from movng day . . .
oops... maybe its just me wishing time to August would go a little bit quicker. :)
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