Saturday, October 28, 2006

Things Which Do Not Belong To Me But Are In My House

It is probably the case with most people who have family and friends that random items end up living for a time in the wrong household. For those readers who may sorely miss their borrowed belongings, wonder where their belongings are, or even who may have been completely unaware that they were missing some dear item, I will take you on a photo-tour of our house, which I have entitled "Things Which Do Not Belong To Me But Are In My House".
Here we go:
In The Beginning by Chaim Potok. It looks quite nice on our bookshelf, eh?
The Chess Garden by Brooks Hansen. Looks nice here as well.
School Ties, borrowed from the lunch room at work
Cake containers. I thought we only had one but it must have reproduced.
A saw, borrowed when we first entered cub car competitions together (I won't mention how long ago that was)
Another saw, for which the purpose of its borrowing has not yet been fulfilled
Esta's chair, which she left behind for us. It's an ugly chair, a dirty chair, and a dangerously tippy chair, so I do not want to acknowledge it as my chair
A hockey glove - owner please speak up if you recognize it!!
Uncle Gord's steam engine, lit on fire several times in class demonstrations
Wheelbarrow that I didn't even know we had until last week or so
Another remnant of the previous homeowner, which I also refuse to acknowledge as mine. This can serves very well as a doorstop until said previous homeowner feels inclined to claim it.


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a treasure trove!! Mom was happy to see a couple of items (as are those that enjoy what usually appears in them). Isn't that saw a beauty!! If no one claims the wheelbarrow I am sure I can find a home for it with like creatures.

Anonymous said...

Hey! You have my hockey gloves! Mike your poor brother turned our house inside out (something like your cat, although he no longer jumps on our lap and purrs) looking for them. No squatter rights!

Anonymous said...

It's funny that you should mention those hockey gloves, Dad.

They aren't yours, by the way. I'm quite certain that I picked these up at Redeemer when I was cleaning up in the dorm after everyone left for the summer. AND (this is the important part), I'm quite certain that MY hockey gloves (and most of my equipment) is at YOUR place!!!

And I want it back.

Anonymous said...

come any time ...

Rachel said...

hey rach! ;) - playing around with the templates are you? Looks good! How'd you get your archives to do that cool expand and minimize thing? I'd love to do that to mine.