Saturday, May 03, 2008

A few more...

Since Mike is off at the Cadet-a-ree today, I have his computer and lots of extra time to look through pictures. Peter still refuses to roll over for me even though he gets LOTS of opportunity to practice! He just hates being on his tummy, and I feel a little bad because it always makes him puke. I'm looking forward to the time when he outgrows his puking habits! It make for a lot of extra laundry!
Haha, my Mom got this shot of him - Peace out
Still quite enthralled with this friend that keeps showing up in the mirror
Let's have a conversation, shall we?
Robert and Dave, Peter and Karen last weekend
Peter picking up some musical tips from his Aunt Karen
Peter and Robert getting reaquainted
Playing on the couch
Check this out! Mom pulled the BIG truck out of the closet
and it tastes WAY better than the little one.
Yeah, I'm still not going to roll over for you Mom.


Anonymous said...

I really like the first picture. It makes me laugh. Very cute.

Also, why exactly is Karen in a tent?

amymom24 said...

LOL! Love that peace out picture. So funny!

ADasa said...

Cute pics!! What a sweetie! Good to see you as a mom, and your parents as Opa & Oma!! (and the Aunties, of course! ;) ) D