Sunday, August 23, 2009

Life in August

Well, time keeps on ticking, and here we find ourselves at the end of August already. How did the summer get to be almost over? Mike has two short weeks left until school begins again. He has a new classroom and a new grade, Grade 7 this year, which will be a fun challenge. It has been a busy summer "off"... I think people are mislead when they think teachers have the whole summer as a big vacation, because, as far as our experience has been, that's definitely not the case! However, we have had a chance to do some fun things and enjoy life at a different pace for a little while... none of those 5 am till midnight exhausting days and wild marking frenzies during the summer, and we can say they are not missed.
Peter and Aaron are growing so quickly! Peter is talking more and more, and it is so fun to watch him learn! He can point out some letters of the alphabet, he constantly wants us to read to him, he's starting to "play" with things for more than a minute at a time, and he surprises us with the big words he's able to say... bananana, motorcycle, helicopter... very very fun. He's developing quite the little mind of his own, and we can see the "terrible twos" creeping in already. It is encouraging to see him picking up the things we are teaching him though, from cleaning up his toys to saying "please" and "thank-you" for things (and sometimes even "you're welcome!" :)
Aaron has somehow gotten older than 4 months, and he's getting so big! He has his four month apointment tomorrow and it's hard to believe the time has gone by so quickly. He is such a happy little guy, smiling from ear to ear so easily, and generally content as long as he gets lots of cuddles, which I don't mind at all. Can you ever get enough of snuggling with a little cutie? Well, maybe at 4 am when he's wide awake and ready to go... can't say I'm overly eager to be up with him at that time, but I have to remember that before I know it, these kids will be all grown up and they won't want to sit on my lap and snuggle, or hold my hand walking into church. Gotta enjoy these time while they last!
Anways, on to some pictures of the last little while :)

Mike and I went to a Blue Jays/Yankees game with some friends
at the beginning of August. They had a good start but ended up losing,
but we still enjoyed the game. Jodi, me, Hannah and Jill
Simon, Mike, Gary and Corey
Aaron out like a light on a hot summer night
Peter and Mom goofing around with the camera
Aaron didn't have quite as much fun with the camera but oh well!
And out comes the Jolly Jumper again!
I think he likes it! Not too much jumping yet but he liked standing around
Hmmmm maybe he's just a little too big for it Mike?
Oddly enough though, he LOVED it
Driving on the QEW... anything look strange to you in this picture?
Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Karen and "Unco Dafe" came for a visit
Big boy underwear? Well, he tried them on but it'll be a while
before that becomes a normal thing! He didn't really care about
them at all... no toilet training here yet
Having fun at the park
Apparently, it's hilarious if the stairs are wetAaron and Uncle DaveI LOVE this picture! I'll have to do some fiddling in Photoshop!

1 comment:

Danielle said...

Very fun to read about your summer - having experienced a little bit of it with you guys here and there whilst you sojourned in Hamilton. Can't wait to see the finished product of the bathroom!!!