Friday, September 10, 2010

Pushy Readers... What to Do About Them?

To acquiesce to one particularly pushy blog reader (haha you know who you are!), I will publish a breviloquent blog post with a few prodigious words. 
Yesterday morning, Peter informed me that "I am Daddy's lizard, Mom.  I am grey.  I need to go downstairs."  Later on at lunchtime, he kept on asking me to give him "5" across the table, and with my 9 month baby belly in the way that gets a little difficult, so I told him no, since Mommy is too sore.  He proceeded to firmly chastise the baby, "don't give Mommy owies, baby, that's BAD.  Get a different baby, Mommy?".  I assured him that we love this baby very much and aren't going to trade for a different one. 


Danielle said...

speaking on behalf of the pushy reader... thanks... i appreciate greatly the updates!!

ADasa said...

hahaha love the last few posts. Tom IS handsome - his face looks a bit plain though... :) and washing boogers?? I don't want to know more. thanks.