Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Doodle Notes

As I mentioned a post or two ago, I recently poked through the crawl space at Mom and Dad's and came up with some interesting treasures from my past.  One of these treasures was a stack of old sermon notes from my late high school years.  I was about to toss them in the recycling box when I thought I'd take a peek through them first, and it was then that I discovered why I'd kept them in the first place.  These weren't just thorough sermon notes; they were thoroughly illustrated sermon notes.  Along the margins and scattered across the pages were sketches and doodles of a widely varied character.  Some were poignant illustrations of the sermon topic, others were slightly off-topic but somewhat related images visualizing some remark the pastor must have made, and still others were completely off topic, often off-the-wall, and even downright strange pictures stemming from the creativity of a delinquent mind-wanderer.  I pondered whether or not I should reveal these pictures to my blogging audience; although I find them quite hilarious, they are also somewhat embarassing in their bizarrity at times.  I have decided to share them after all but on one condition:  thou shalt not judge!  Yes, I know it's obvious I wasn't always keeping my mind on task during the sermon, but these sermon notes are from well over ten years ago, and a surprising number of the doodles are actually quite topical, if not a little off-colour at times.  Also, you should note that I had an exceptionally speedy writing hand, and often wrote down the majority of the sermon as well as take the time to doodle in the margins.  That all being said, here we go, I hope you enjoy them as much as I did! (click to enlarge)

First of all, to prove that my sermon note papers were indeed 
plenteous in actual sermon notes, here's a quick overview of a few of
them.  See?  Lots of writing.  I'm positive that much of the
message sunk in. 
To start you off slowly, here are a few artful illustrations for you.  
Based on 1 Peter 1:4,5, these are definitely sermon-related 
doodles.  Not so bad eh?
Here are a variety of church/Bible personalities.  We have Paul,
Dorcas, and Peter as well as a several anonymous Christian
characters preaching, teaching, or bearing fruit. 
Oh, and one "bad guy".
I put together a bunch of doodles loosely categorized as "Christian Life"
Filling your heart up with the Holy Spirit, sacrificing your life on the
altar of service, and bearing fruit (again).  And don't forget to
spread that fertilizer of life as you travel on the Way!
 Several illustrations possibly connected by common themes of 
the Holy Spirit and the early preaching of Paul.  Tongues of fire, 
Paul preaching great change to the sinful and crooked generation 
(Acts 2:37-40), and we cannot refrain from singing His
righteousness, even praising Him in the storm. 
 I seemed to have a lot of sheep illustrations.  I suppose this would be 
because it is such a popular idea used in scripture, with us being such
drifting and fickle followers of our great Shepherd.  I'm not really
sure why it appears that a sheep is pulling the ark, and I'm positive
that Super Sheep and Fluffy were not mentioned in the sermon. 
A variety of sinful and idolatrous images, showing the power of sin and
different ways in which we are sinful.  I think Bob and Fluffy belonged 
together, gnashing their teeth.  
A frame-by-frame of Eutychus falling out of the window
in Acts 20:7-12.
 Some random pictures that didn't seem to belong with the other
topics.  The seed of David is sitting on the throne, the horse and
rider are thrown into the sea, our living hope and captive thoughts, 
and we see the Fall of Adam. 
Hmm.  I'm really not sure if I should have posted this one, because it 
might be a little disturbing.  These pictures are the abherrant ones
which have no relation to the sermon, and were strictly the product
of a wandering mind.  There seems to be a theme of unsuspecting
stick men about to meet their doom, or being chased by lions, bears,
or dragons. I particularly like the bottom right-ish picture of the
"Pointless wandering of gifts"... I wonder if these pictures are in
a way a pointless squandering of gifts as well.
Well there you have it.  I hope I haven't made a mistake in posting these...I haven't taken sermon notes in several years, but perhaps I should to make up for all these drawings.  I'm not so much of a doodler anymore, and I hope my attention span has increased in strength and longevity and my sense of humor has matured since then.  Anyways, please remember that I posted these purely for humor's sake, and don't read too much into them!


Danielle said...

I love this post - you were indeed much of a doodler - i thought i was bad but you were very visionary in your drawings too... did you just cut and paste all the little bits together? That's an idea - i'm not sure what to do with all mine either... And about the little stick men meeting their demise - i believe i had my share of that too!

Unknown said...

I remember one poor stick man in particular who you had being run over by a cruise ship... I'm glad I'm not the only weird one, lol. Did you notice my depiction of Danielle superglued to the wall? Hahaha!

Danielle said...

No, i must say i missed that particular one... i'll have to look again... meany!

Shirley said...

I'm SO glad that you posted these! I'm going to have to dig out some of the cartoons we drew each other back in high school - I know I have them around here somewhere! :)

Unknown said...

You've still got them eh? I got rid of a whooooole bunch of notes from high school before we got married... probably lost a few gems in the pile!