Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Big day planned for Kitty tomorrow. She gets to go to the vet to get spayed and declawed - what fun! She doesn't seem too concerned at the moment, as she is more interested in jumping around on the furniture and preventing me from seeing the computer screen. I have a feeling she won't be quite so enthusiastic when she gets home again on Friday.


Karen said...

poor kitty!

i'm sure she'll be back in all her pesky kitty glory by next week... :)

Anonymous said...

Poor Kitty.
Anyway, I'll be in touch about getting together sometime soon!

Anonymous said...


Cats make great pets...whats her name?

Hope all is well in the Vander Deen household.


Anonymous said...

i can't believe you found a vet that would actually do something so cruel (declawing) to your cat. if you like, the human equivalent is to have your fingers cut off from the last knuckle, right before the fingernail.

think about it.

please reconsider.