Monday, October 03, 2005

Welcome to the World of Blog

So. Several years after the word "blog" first entered my vocabulary, I have finally broken down and joined the mass of bloggers who post their minds on the net. Thanks to my wonderful sister-in-law Karen, I have (semi) committed myself to being creative and dedicated in drafting tidbits about my life and times, sending them into cyberspace for who-knows-who to read. For those who stumble in, be warned not to expect hilarious entertainment or the deepest philosophical thoughts - if these make their way in at all, they will be rare and created very late at night when the brain juices have started to ferment. Welcome to the world of Rachel!


Karen said...

Rachel! I'm excited to see that you've joined the ranks of the blogging world. Now that I've passed on all i know about blogs, I hope you surpass my knowledge and teach me! :)

have fun! ~ karen

Anonymous said...

yay blog! now you are officially cool.

"what's her name again, mummy?"

heh. you amuse me. even as a child.