Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Today I feel somewhat disjointed. Not in a particularly bad way, but just one of those days when you start off a little off balance, like one leg's longer than the other. So far, though, it is a better start to the morning than yesterday's, where almost the first thing I did in the day was drop an open box of Q-Tips into the waiting toilet bowl. My day definitely improved after that, though, for which I am thankful. I found my name on a "Top 3" list for special orders in the lunch room, which was somewhat exciting.
There is a really freaky phone in Staples. It is set up near the front of the store, and advertised as a courtesy phone from Bell for anyone who needs to make a phone call. That would be all fine and dandy, except this phone talks to itself. It has a screen with random video clips of happy people using telephones (well, I think that's what it has, but honestly I haven't wanted to spend too much time around that phone, either because I'm too busy or it makes me nervous). When you walk past it, it talks to you, and it makes me jump everytime.
Did you know you can buy a 25 foot roll of bubble wrap for $7.83? I really had no idea how much bubble wrap would cost, but $0.31 a square foot doesn't seem too ridiculously much for hours and hours of self-therapy. If one were to use 1/4 of a square foot every other day for stress relief purposes, a 25 foot roll of bubble wrap would last you 28 and a half weeks, or about 7 months and 4 days. That would last me till the end of May, which would possibly be the end of my Staples career, depending on when and where we move. That works out to 3.6 cents per day - possibly a worthwhile investment for countering the negative psychological effect the courtesy phone is having on me.
This morning, I am having a coffee and a cookie for breakfast, just because I can.


Karen said...

Rachel, you're the best. :) I love reading your blog. If I were you I'd stay away from the talking phone, and I would most definitely buy enough bubble wrap to last til May. I might come over and help you in that self-therapy! :) cya soon.

Anonymous said...

Your blog is way cooler than mine and I've had mine for over a year. No fair. I wish that I was eloquent like you and Danielle.

Maybe I'll buy you bubble wrap. I was going to bring you this piece of the REALLY BIG bubble wrap from work but Jeff kept driving over it with the towmotor and the freightliner and some customer drove over it so it's kindof useless now. Maybe next time.

Also, your links are one of the nerdiest things I've ever seen. But don't worry, cuz I still love you.